
Destiny Amber-Lee © 2019

Doing what I love most ♡

“Art is my favorite thing, 
I love how it can show someone’s soul,
someone’s creative force.”
– Destiny Amber – Lee

My name is Destiny Amber – Lee, and I am the creative mind behind Bohemian Elements. I’ve orbited the sun 30 times so far 🙂 I have Native American and Scottish roots. I am a writer, artist, photographer, entrepreneur, and an activist. I have been creating art since I can remember, It wasn’t until my early teens that I got really invested and serious about art, I remember I spent my whole junior year making an art piece for my mother, in art class. (Unfortunately I only got to work on it an hour a day!)

I’ve experimented with many different styles, and subjects, when I was just 4 years old my mother taught me how to weave and I made my first dream catcher. I’ve come a LONG way from then 😀

– B O H E M I A N   E L E M E N T S – 
Spiritually Enlightened & Inspirational Art and Goods. 

Bohemian Elements is an independent, Earth loving, small company based in the mid-west region of the US – Omaha, Nebraska. I focus on creating hand made inspiring art and goods for the soul. My mission is to bring my handmade items to homes all across the globe, to enlighten and awaken the minds and souls of individuals wishing to better themselves and their homes.

I want my customers to have these artistic reminders, of who they are – their P O W E R, their B E A U T Y,
their P O T E N T I A L and their 
G R E A T N E S S which is contained within us all. 
I think it’s wonderful to have those reminders in a world that at times, can get off the “preferred” track. Thank you so much for visiting and……  

L O N G – L I V E – L O C A L !